Global Issues

Global humanitarian issues affect human rights, quality of life, and peace and security.

Global humanitarian issues are complex and oftentimes overlap cultural traditions and national boundaries. What might be acceptable in one’s culture may be a violation in another.

Global issues affect human rights, quality of life, and peace and security. Without a clear understanding of global issues, we cannot know how to create solutions to resolve them. Here, we break down the essentials to help lend an understanding of key terms and issues.



Antisemitism is the hostile belief or behavior toward Jews, just…

Bystanders to Genocide

Bystanders to Genocide

A bystander is defined as someone who is present at…

Child Soldiers

Child Soldiers

Child soldiers are children (male and female) under the age…

Ethnic Cleansing

Ethnic Cleansing

Ethnic cleansing is the systematic, forced removal of ethnic, racial,…



Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) involves the partial or total removal…

Forced Displacement

Forced Displacement

Forced displacement refers to the involuntary or coerced movement of…