Lara Kajs
Lara is the Founder and Executive Director of The Genocide Report and the author of “Stories from Yemen: A Diary from the Field”. She consults with the UN and the ICC and is an expert on atrocity crimes, forced displacement, conflict and violence, and IHL.

Chad Thornson
Chad has spent most of his career working in Security and Logistics throughout Africa, the Middle East, and Afghanistan. He consults with the UN and is an expert in Diplomacy and International Relations.

Jason Nzari
Jason has spent the last ten years in Security and Logistics in Turkey and Syria. He consults with the UN and serves as a liaison and special advisor to TGR. Jason holds a Ph.D. in Sociology and International Relations.

Alex Whitson
Alex has served in the MENA region for more than a decade, as a crisis investigator. He consults with the UN and ICC and operates as a liaison and special advisor to TGR. Alex holds an International Relations J.D.