The United Nations (UN) is an international organization, established after WWII with the objective to maintain international peace and security, and prevent future wars.
At its founding, on 24 October 1945, there were 51 Member States. Today, there are 193 Member States, representing nearly all of the world’s sovereign states.
In addition to maintaining international peace and security, the UN Charter works to protect human rights, deliver humanitarian aid, promote sustainable development, and uphold international law.
There are six principal bodies of the United Nations: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the International Court of Justice, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, and the UN Secretariat.
The UN is made up of a multitude of specialized agencies, funds, and programmes, including the World Bank Group, the World Health Organization (WHO), World Food Programme (WFP), UNICEF, UNESCO, and UNHCR) (the UN Refugee Agency) – to name a few.
The chief administrator of the UN is the Secretary-General, currently, António Guterres. Former Secretary-Generals included Ban Ki-Moon, Kofi Anan, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Javier Pèrez de Cuèllar, U Thant, Dag Hammarskjöld, and Trygve Lie.
The organization is financed by assessed and voluntary contributions from its Member States.
The United Nations is headquartered on international territory in New York City, USA, and has additional offices in Geneva, Nairobi, Vienna, and The Hague, where the International Court of Justice is located.
Since the UN’s inception, the organization, its agencies, programmes, funds, and staff have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on twelve occasions.